Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Helpful "Pound Shop" audio accessory

There are many challenges facing a learner who is both visually and hearing impaired when he or she is using a computer fitted with access technology. Not least of these is the sheer number of voices they must focus on. In an apparently straightforward classroom (group) situation, where a Learning Support Assistant (LSA) is working with a teacher to help such a student, there are multiple conversations to make sense of. At any one time those talking may include:

• The teacher

• The LSA

• The screen reader app’s voice

• Other students

Using a low-cost headphone splitter can help create a more productive learning environment:

The headphone splitter directs an audio feed to the learner's digital hearing aids and another to the LSA's headphones.


  1. It's so strange how something is so obvious and easy when it's pointed out. Being creative is often the key to success. It's not always about spending megabucks on specialised kit. Thanks for sharing this. I have a headphone splitter and will now think about using it like this.
